I am a designer and I enjoy creating beautiful and meaningful brands and digital experiences.

Take a sneak peek into some of my work

Project showcase

Amanat Legal
Building an e-commerce platform for a digital law firm in Bahrain.
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Creating a timeless brand identity for the audacious Bahraini women.
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ISF Gymnasiade Bahrain 2024
Spicing up Bahrain's edition of the ISF event with an explosive brand.
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I am currently studying Interactive Media at University of Technology Sydney.

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I’ve collaborated with various clients to build compelling websites and brand identities. My work includes web design, low-code development, brand guidelines, and visual design. I dabble in motion design and coding during my leisure. Proudly a multi-disciplinary designer.

I’m currently studying Interactive Media at the University of Technology Sydney, learning what it takes to design innovative and meaningful software.

I value positive collaboration and enjoy going the extra mile to create something special. If you would like to have me on your team, please get in touch.

A smiling image of myself in a green kurta.

I occasionally engage in technical blogging.

How to Add Schema Markup to Your Webflow Site
5-minute read
A Beginner's Guide to CSS Variables
5-minute read